This past week was pretty horrible. Friday evening I could feel my immune system start to sputter. Saturday I woke up with a scratchy throat. By Saturday afternoon I had a dull headache. I was not looking forward to my near future. Early Sunday morning came. My throat felt as if I were swallowing barbed wire. There was pressure building at the center of my brain. At any moment it was it going to exceed its limit. My head was about to explode. Despite my dire circumstance I was unable to stay awake. I would continually drift off to sleep, but never for more than 45 minutes straight. Sunday afternoon I started to run a fever. I felt like total crap.
Barring an overnight miracle recovery, I was pretty sure I was going to miss work on Monday. My alarm went off Monday morning. I continued to sleep. I slept most of the a.m. I had been taking medicine every few hours. Monday afternoon was the first time the medicine actually felt like it was working. By the evening I was feeling better. I was confident I would make it to work on Tuesday.
I woke up earlier than I usual that next morning and I was feeling pretty good at first. I took a shower then set on the couch drinking some water. I was trying to evaluate whether I was really sick, or if I just wanted to stay home from work another day. As I sat there I leaned over and put my head on the pillow. Forty five minutes later I woke up, and I was late for work. I hurriedly got dressed and grabbed a couple oranges on my way out the door. It was a freezing cold morning. I was so glad for my garage as I watched the neighbor scraping his windows. It was cold outside, but I was sweating as I walked from my car to the building. This isn't a good sign.