This past week has been a hot one here in Arkansas. I definitely haven't been spending much time outside lately. Thursday I mowed the lawn. There was a storm a brewin' which cooled it off quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, it was still hot. It doesn't take me very long to mow our grass, but it was by far the most time I had spent outside in over a week.
Lately I have been sitting in the AC and watching a lot of sports. We have the world cup going on, last week was the NBA finals and the US Open golf tournament. Now Wimbledon has started up, and next week will be the first stage of the Tour de France. For some strange reason I feel the need to follow all major sporting events. It isn't even that I necessarily enjoy watching it. I didn't watch any NBA games all season, but I felt compelled to watch the finals. I have never played, nor expressed an interest in soccer my entire life. However, I am checking on world cup standings and looking forward to when matches are on in time-slots I can watch.