Honeycrisp Season

Sorry to my loyal readers 1, I haven’t been posting lately. No reason, I just haven’t felt like writing I guess. Things have been going well. It would seem that fall is here. The weather has cooled off, football season is in full force, and the other day we got Honeycrisp apples at the store. Honeycrisp apples with peanut butter is probably one of my favorite food combos on earth.

We have been enjoying the cooler temps. There have been lots of evenings spent sitting outside on a blanket playing blocks with Amelia or just watching her draw with her sidewalk chalk. She is talking so much now. It is amazing how smart she is.

I’ve realized over the last month at work I have become “that guy”. You know, the one who tells unsolicited stories about his kid all the time. I used to not like that guy, but now I am him. I start talking even before I realize what is happening, and then it is too late… I might as well just finish the story. I am very aware that none of my coworkers care what Amelia said that morning, but I can’t help it.

One of the things I couldn’t help sharing happened this week when I was leaving for work. Amelia was sitting on the floor watching cartoons and I came up behind her and gave her a hug. I said, “Goobye baby, Daddy is going to work.”. She responded with, “Goodbye Daddy, kiss Mommy… and GO!” Lately when anybody tells her they are leaving she is just done with you. She is just like me, she doesn’t like a lingerer. If you are leaving, you might as well just go ahead and do it.

She has also started telling her emotion. She will come out of the bath, run through the house butt naked and give me a big hug. “Daddy! I’m Happy!.” Or when you tell her "no" she will look at you and say, “I’m crying.” Even though we can all see she isn't really crying. She is starting understand types of things she isn't supposed to do. She will reach for something and just before she touches it she will look right at me and smile.

We’ve been having a ton of fun lately, but it has also been difficult. We are at an age of a lot of mood swings and emotions. I guess I’m just starting to get a taste of what it is like to live with a little girl. We couldn't ask for a better kid though. She is just amazing.

Last week I unintentionally started growing a beard. Amelia had been waking up every night for several days in a row. We are pretty sure her teeth were bothering her. In the morning I was not excited about getting out of bed. I would stay asleep until the last possible second where I could jump in the shower, get dressed, and be out the door and not be too late for work. This left no room for shaving and by the end of the week I had something started. I decided to just let it go and now I have a pretty respectable beard going.

I usually don’t start with the facial hair until at least November, but I guess I got an early start this year. I will probably leave it for a while. Some people look really goofy with facial hair and I really hope I am not one of those people. I have already had some compliments on it… so unless people are lying to me, my beard doesn’t look that silly.

  1. I could have just said “Mom”, but “loyal readers” makes this whole thing sound more legit.  ↩