Happy New Year

It is hard to believe 2012 is almost over. The year flew by, but that is a cliché thing to say. When I look at my daughter it is hard to believe only a year has passed. My wife and I started 2012 taking care of a baby. Now we are sharing life with a tiny little person1. A year ago Amelia could barely walk. Now it seems like she can do it all. She can communicate and understand most anything you say to her. She has opinions and desires, and she isn't afraid to share them with us. A year ago she could laugh, but now she has a sense of humor. And she is funny.

2012 was good to us. We are happy and healthy. We can't really ask for anything more.

Amelia has grown so much. A little each day. It is hard to notice as it happens. Every parent wants to remember each stage his child so quickly passes through. I wish I could capture each day and put it in a bottle to open up later. My mind won't be able to remember all the things I want it to, and that makes me sad. I have done my best to document, but I have surely fallen short. There is the constant struggle to enjoy things in the moment as you experience them, and to capture pictures and videos to look back on later.

I have snapped thousands of photos, and written tens of thousands of words in the past 12 months, but it will never be enough to adequately recount her transformation into an amazing little toddler. I have a sense of how it happened for now, but that will quickly be replaced by her new milestones, and all the moments we share in 2013. I guess that is okay. It is just going to keep getting more fun, and she is going to keep getting more awesome.

I will keep on taking pictures and writing. Maybe I will even post to my blog a little more consistently in 2013. Maybe.

Have a safe and happy New Year friends.

  1. It is crazy how long it took me to write that in a way that didn't make it sound like we had a midget in the house. ↩

My December Check-in

I have been feeling extremely overwhelmed the last several weeks. There is nothing in particular causing this, it is combination of traveling, work, the holidays, and just the demands and emotions of a toddler. There are a lot of things in there that I cannot control. When I get feeling like that my initial reaction is to simplify as much about the things I can control.

I started off November with a week-long work trip to Dallas. A few days after that we loaded up the car and drove to Indiana for Thanksgiving. We had a great week with my family, then made the 12 hour trip back to Arkansas. We were home for 4 days then we got on a plane to go to Orlando for Amanda's Grandmother's memorial service. It was both a physically and emotionally draining weekend. We got back last Monday night and I went to work on Tuesday to see a huge pile of stuff I had to get done.

All week I've felt behind on my sleep. Amelia is totally off her schedule. She has been staying up until at least 10pm every night. My wife usually has to lay down in the crib with her to coax her into going to sleep. Amelia went without a nap yesterday and got to bed a little earlier, so hopefully we get her back on track over the next couple days.

With Christmas coming Amelia is going to get some new toys. We already had Christmas with my family and she got some new things. Today we went through her toy box and bagged up a ton of stuff that she doesn't play with anymore to make room for her new loot. I already feel much better about the condition of our living room. Simplify. Remove distractions.

I have realized over the last few months that we were not watching much tv. The growing list of shows on our dvr felt more like a to-do list than a form of entertainment. I'd been thinking about canceling our cable for a while now, but this week I pulled the trigger. I called AT&T Uverse on Friday and told them I wanted to cut the cable. It was a clean break. We can't watch any of the stuff that was sitting our our dvr, and I am okay with that. I hooked up our OTA antennas. We are able to get all our local stations in HD with an antenna. I'm looking forward to only being able to pick from 6 channels, and not having a dvr. I'm even more excited about all the money we will be saving.

The craziness that Christmas brings isn't over yet, but the finish line is in sight. I have been trying to focus on experiencing everything through my daughter's eyes and sharing in her excitement. I think we are going to do Christmas at our house next weekend and I am really looking forward to it.

That is all I have for now. Maybe I will check in next month.

My New Shave

Ever since I started shaving I have not been a fan. My super-sensitive face skin became irritated by every method I tried. Over the years I’ve had every type of disposable razor out there. I’ve used 2, 3, 4, and 5 blades. I’ve had two different electric razors. Foams, gels, lotions, salves… I’ve tried it all. I’ve never been happy with the results.

Over a year ago my best friend told me about the wet shave. Essentially the wet shave is how a guy used to shave his face back in the 40's and 50's. I get an image of a barber lathering up the clients face. It is like that, but without the straight razor. I was eager to try it, but the initial cost is quite high and I ended up talking myself out of it. I was convinced that all these years of technological advancement would undoubtedly outperform a 70 year old shaving method. I forgot about the wet shave and spent the last 12 months dumping more money into Gillette fusion blades.

Then I signed up for my free week trial of The Magazine and read The Wet Shave by Lex Friedman. I sent a message to my friend and asked him if he was still shaving “old school”. He was. He still loved it. I was sold.

The Hardware

I added all of these items to my Amazon wish list and sent it to my parents for ideas for Christmas. We exchanged gifts with them at Thanksgiving and they got me my entire shaving setup. They are awesome!

The Transition

My first shave was slow and I hadn’t broken in the brush so there were bristles all over the place. It did feel pretty nice though, and the results were good. I immediately loved the soap and lather method. There is no way I will ever go back to canned gel. I wasn’t as excited about the single blade safety razor right at first. I had to rethink how I shave. I cut myself more than I ever did with the 5 blade setup, but it is no big deal. I just have to go a little slower.

Going in my main concern was with the increased time it would take to complete my morning routine. Most mornings I am rushed. I typically only shaved every other day. Going to an every day shaving routine was going to be tough, especially if it took longer. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to stick with it just because I didn’t have the time.

The Results

Over the last couple weeks my face is the most comfortable it has been in years. The positive effects were immediate. I haven’t had any irritation at all. While it does take me longer to shave, I have started to look forward to it. I feel like I am taking care of my face, and not just shaving it.

The actual act of shaving isn’t better than it was before. I do like the feel of the soap and the brush, but the razor creates a stinging sensation on the skin that I didn’t experience before. It is simultaneous pain and cooling relief. I’ve almost come to enjoy it. I have a little more trouble getting a good shave on a couple parts of my neck where the hairs grow weird. However, my technique is improving.

After the shave is over my face feels much better than it ever has other methods. I am not quite sure what to attribute it to, but it doesn’t matter. It is awesome. I can shave every day without my neck getting red and burning afterward, and I am thankful for that.

The shave feels closer than it did with my 5 blade razor, and my skin feels better.


In the last three weeks I’ve spent more time shaving than I did the six weeks prior to that. However, It hasn’t been a hassle. Shaving has been as close to enjoyable as I ever thought it could be. My face has been pain free despite the occasional cut on my neck.

I haven’t mastered the wet shave yet, but I feel like I am getting better. I can use a blade 4 or 5 times before switching. In a year I will go though about 65 blades,a whole $6.50 in cost. My cost with Gillette Fusion blades was about $50 per year. I’m not sure how to estimate the savings on shaving gel, but it is significant as well.

I think this is going to work out well.