It's Been A Rough Week

The last few days have been pretty hard on me. Last Monday I was really tired all day, and in the afternoon I started to get a scratchy throat. By bedtime I was running a fever. All Monday night I oscillated between burning up and freezing cold. When I woke up Tuesday morning I was in no condition to go to work; so I called in sick. I had a fever of 101F for most of the day.  I was able to log into my work computer and get some work done, but for a large part of the day I just slept.  I slept all evening, then woke up and went right back to sleep.  Sometime in there my fever finally broke.

I returned to work on Wednesday, but I still wasn't feeling great.  A lot of people with allergies had a hard time this week also. Amanda thinks that most of my problem is with allergies.  It is all up in my head.  I have been stuffed up, had a sore throat and a dull headache for 3 or 4 days now. I have been taking medicine, but nothing seems to be able to knock it out.   I went to sleep early last night, and today I took a couple good naps.  I'm still not feeling great, but hopefully things will clear up tomorrow.

I haven't been feeling much like blogging.  Last Saturday we did get the crib up and it looks really good.  I will post some pictures at the end of this post.  Other than that there hasn't been much else going on.  Work has been really busy.This weekend I have a few hours of stuff to get done.  I didn't even think about logging in today, so I will have to get it done tomorrow.

One thing I did accomplish this week was putting new comment bubbles on both of my blogs.  It isn't that exciting, but what is impressive about it is that it doesn't use any image files of javascript.  The comment bubbles are rendered completely using CSS, so it is really clean code-wise.  It seems to work okay on older versions of Internet Explorer, but for some reason in the new IE9 it doesn't look right.

Thanks again Mom & Dad! The crib looks super nice.  We are really happy with how it turned out.

Anyway, here are some pics...