Standing Room Only

Tonight my wife and I decided to go have dinner at one of our favorite places; Marketplace Express.  It is never busy on a Friday evening, it is pretty fast, and the food is really good.  When we first walked in I noticed a group of about 10 people that had a few tables pushed together. They seemed to be finished and were standing up getting ready to leave.

We placed our order then went to grab a seat.  The group had all stood up by now, but were gathered next to their table in the middle of the restaurant talking.  We sat down a little ways away and waited for our food.  The group had formed an oblong circle along the one side of the restaurant and they were still just standing there exchanging pointless dialog that did not warrant their continued presence.  This went on for quite a bit longer.  It seemed like it was about to break up and they were going to finally get out the door.  A few people shuffled around in order to say goodbye to those on the other end of the amoeba shape they had now formed.

Our food came. I looked up and they were all still there.  They were once again engaged in conversation, just standing awkwardly in the middle of this place.  I am unable to ignore things like this. The longer it went on the more insane it drove me. I wanted them to sit back down or get the freak out of here.  It was ridiculous. I don't like to linger. Even more-so, I hate that awkward feeling I get when somebody else is lingering and there is nothing I can do about it.  This was the strangest case of lingering I had seen, and I wanted out.

It is funny because just last week I was mentioning to my wife how I never feel comfortable while we are eating at Marketplace.  There is something about the atmosphere that puts me on edge. I can't explain it.  This was my worst experience yet.  Seriously, if you want to continue talking after your dinner is finished just keep your butts parked in the seats. Why stand up? If you do make the mistake of prematurely rising from your chair, at least have the sense to realize it and sit back down while you complete your dissertation of your Starbucks order that morning. Let your friend take a load-off as she wastes another 10 minutes of your life with the nutritional information of her favorite latte.

There was a young girl who had made it halfway to the door before she realized that nobody else from her family had followed.  By now she had pulled up a seat from an empty table nearby and put her head down.  I felt so bad for her.  What must her life be like having to live with such socially awkward  parents?  I made a vow at that moment to never put my daughter in such a situation.

My wife and I finished eating. I didn't want to stay in this place any longer than I had to.  We had probably been in there 40 minutes. When we left they were all still STANDING around talking.  We passed by the young girl. I shot a sympathetic look in her direction but she did not raise her head. Most people would have been able to completely ignore these idiots and enjoy their food. I couldn't stop thinking about them.  I mean, I am writing about them now. The whole thing really got to me.

I've always enjoy going to Marketplace because they had one of the best hamburgers I've ever eaten. As I tried to order it tonight I was hit with the news they no longer carry that sandwich.  It had been replaced by another item that is undoubtedly inferior.  Great. The pain of this revelation may have contributed to my sour mood and extreme annoyance at the group that wouldn't leave. Even still, there is no excuse for what they did.... or possibly are still doing.