I don't want to come across like I am complaining, although I might be a little bit. For the last month work has been insanely busy. I am not used to having that much of a workload on my plate every single day. It all got be very overwhelming. A few times I reached the point where I have so much to do, and so many people pulling me in different directions, that I start to have some sort of panic attack. I just have to stand up and walk away for a bit. Once I have relaxed I can come back and prioritize.
I feel like I have always been a pretty easy going guy. I want to perform well at my job, but I have never let work affect my mood too much. If something bad happens at work I am not going to get all pissed off and sulk about it. Lately things have been so crazy that I am in a state of panic from the moment I get to work in the morning until the moment I leave. It is really difficult to be patient and helpful when you have that much stuff to get done. At the end of the day I am so mentally exhausted that all I want to do is come home and space out.
Finally things have started to slow down a bit this past week. I hope the trend continues and my work week gets a little more relaxed. On a positive note, the past month has completely flown by. I guess that is a good thing.
Another thing I want to whine about is allergies. Growing up in Indiana I never had allergies. I have lived here for 4.5 years now. Every spring I get stuffed up a little bit, but it usually doesn't last long, and isn't severe. Well, the past couple weeks I have had the worst allergies ever. I will be fine one minute, then I can't even breathe the next. My throat feels like crap, my eyes itch, I start to sneeze, and my head seems like it is about to explode. When it hits I just want to lay down and close my eyes. I never knew how much having allergies could suck. Luckily a simple over the counter medication seems to work well for me. It makes me tired, which isn't great for work, but at least I am able to function. For the first time in my life I am checking the pollen forecast. How lame is that?
The allergies have also put a huge damper on my spring cycling. I have only ridden a few times, it is depressing. The weather has been great, but when I spend time outside I feel like crap. I really hope this doesn't last much longer and I can start enjoying my spring.
All right, I think that is enough complaining for one blog post. I hadn't updated in a while and I felt like I should write something, even if it is just a feeble attempt to get some pity.