From the beginning of the show I felt like the writers were walking along a path and I was eagerly following behind. I was excited for this final season to see where they would lead me in the end. However, from the first episode of this season I have felt uneasy. I feel like I stopped being able to just follow behind the story. Instead the story has turned around, put me in a headlock, and forced me to go along with it. Every once in a while it loosens its grip and allows me to breathe, but it hasn't completely released me yet.
The last few weeks have been a lot better, and I am excited to watch it this week. It seems they had to forcefully take me off of the main path onto some side path I never would have willingly followed them to. Now that we have reached this new path the writers are going to release me and walk on ahead, allowing me to resume following as I was before. I will obediently follow to the final destination. I have been critical of this final season thus far, but I am back on the wagon now. Now I just have to see where it takes me in the end.
Even if the final episode of LOST totally stinks I will still not regret watching all seasons of the show. It has been a really entertaining ride regardless of how they decide to end it. Surely they won't answer all of the questions they have posed. The first season was packed with tons of questions, most of which remain unanswered to this point. However, most of those questions seem completely irrelevant now. They didn't answer the questions, but they somehow made the show seem so much bigger than that. No matter how it ends, I will always be a fan and supporter of LOST.