I am being a lousy secret public journalist. My whole goal with this blog was to write often. I wasn't going to be so concerned with quality, as long as I had the quantity. Writing is like most anything else, practice makes perfect. If you do it often enough you will eventually become better. I am lacking subject matter, but I need to stop using that as an excuse for not writing.
If you know me very well, you realize I am actually a pretty shy person. I will not command a room, or go out of my way to talk to a neighbor. I have never been one for small talk; I would rather have a meaningful conversation than engage in pointless banter. I am quiet when I meet new people, or when I am in moderately sized groups. In my personal life these attributes are pretty much without consequence. However, my introverted nature is proving to be a liability in my career. As an engineer I got away with it. I wasn't expected to be "Mr. Outgoing". As long as I could communicate effectively on a technical level I was good to go. Now that I am on the business side of things I am expected to be more friendly. My job performance no longer depends on my critical thinking ability. Now I have to be nice.
This is actually a good thing for me. Lately I have been making an effort to just generally be a more positive person. Over the past few years I have somehow become a really cynical person. I don't know if was my entrance into corporate America, or my hobby of film criticism; but I was becoming bitter. I always saw myself as an optimist, but I could not deny the fact that negativity was getting the best of me. Hopefully I caught it early, and I am on the path of reformation.