Alma Mater

Tomorrow I will set foot on the campus of Purdue University for the first time since I graduated over 5 years ago.  It is sad that I haven't been back for so long.  I truly loved every minute of the 4 years I was there, even though they were the most stressful of my life thus far.  (This may change when baby gets here in several weeks.) However, I am not too upset that I haven't been back.  Even tomorrow will be a quick trip. I am not going to spend a lot of time walking around campus reminiscing.  

College was fun, but when it was over it wasn't something I tried to hang on to.  I don't think I will ever be the guy that walks his kids around campus and tries to tell stories about the "good old days".  I might change, but at this time I don't have any emotional attachment to the place.  In Latin "Alma Mater" literally means "nurturing mother". In my experience Purdue wasn't very nurturing.  If she were a mother she was the hard-ass kind that made you cry every now and then and didn't let you have fun until your homework was done... and homework was almost never done.  Still, I appreciate everything Purdue gave to me. Now I feel a little like the kid who put mom in the nursing home and went on with his life.

Tomorrow I will go back and probably buy a hooded sweatshirt just like every other poor sap that visits the place.  Hopefully we get some Mad Mushroom cheese sticks before we leave.  I've missed those things. Maybe we'll walk by Grissom Hall where I spent most of my last couple years during school. Oh great...  In the few minutes I have been writing this post the memories are coming back. I am starting to miss it a little bit.  I better start exaggerating refining my stories so they won't be so boring when Amelia is forced to listen to them.