Short Visit To Purdue

Yesterday we made the drive to Purdue to watch the basketball team play Austin Peay. I went with my 2 brothers and brother-in-law. I only had 3 goals. I wanted to buy a new Purdue sweatshirt, see th new Niel Armstrong building, and eat some Mad Mushroom cheese sticks. Mission accomplised on all fronts. Plus I got to see the Boilers play in person.

The power of facebook let me know that my friend Lindsey and her husband were also at the game. It was a nice bonus to get to see them.

We didn't stick around campus after the game was over as we had to drive home. We ended up spending more time in the car than actually at Purdue. Still, it was nice to go back and see the place. I was surprised that other than the construction on the new sports complex and the aforementioned Niel Armstong building the campus looked pretty much identical to when I had been there. We didn't go everywhere around campus but what I did see looked the same. I don't know why I expected it to be different, but don't we always when we haven't been somewhere for a while. Then we always come back and act surprised when it is pretty much the same.