Meteorologist baby gives a thumbs up to the cooler temps. |
Of course when all else fails you can always write about the weather. It is crazy how a change in the temperature can give you so much more energy and motivation. The heat had been so tiring. We had a pretty amazing weekend around here weather-wise. I am so thankful that it finally cooled off. I hope it stays this way for a little bit longer. I actually felt like I got to enjoy summer instead of being locked inside in the AC. On Friday we had a storm roll through and it cooled off enough that when I took Amelia out to watch the rain I put a sweatshirt on and she had on her footie pajamas. She has been loving going outside lately. She just looks around, reaches out her arm and open and closes her hand like she wants to touch everything in sight.
Cutest fake plastic food chef ever. |
I realize in the last couple weeks I have blogged about having an iPad, buying a Dyson, and dreaming about an iPhone. Even I think I sounded like an ass who cares way too much about materialistic things. That obviously wasn't my intention. I do like gadgets. I will be the first to admit it. However, I don't buy that many... at least not without researching it for several months. I don't think I deserve an iPhone, or any of the things I buy for that matter. I think the iPhone is an unnecessary luxury item that is in no way worth the $25 extra dollars per month for the data plan. I've gone this long without paying extra for a smart phone data plan and I wish I could go even longer. I am finally giving into the temptation of conformity and ponying up the cash for an iPhone. I am excited to get it, but I'll have buyer's remorse right afterward. I will especially have buyer's remorse when the iPhone 6 comes out next year.
I am extremely thankful for all the "stuff" we have. I feel blessed to have a house and a job and some money in the bank. I am even more thankful to be healthy and for my wife and child to be healthy as well. I'm not sure what I did to be so lucky, and I try to never take that for granted. It is easy to lose perspective as we trudge through our everyday lives and forget to be content with the things we have. I've caught myself pining after some product and thinking about how much better my life would be if I had it. In those moments I get really disappointed in myself because those are the thoughts that will forever separate me from real happiness.