Saturday Fun

This past weekend was Amanda's first Saturday back to work so Amelia had almost a whole day of daddy time. I was pretty nervous. I hadn't been all alone with her for that long. Lately she has been a big-time mummy's girl. When she would get upset it seemed that Mom was the only one who could calm her down.

The day went great. There were only a few tears, and that's because she woke up hungry and I wasn't getting her bottle warmed up fast enough. Other than that she was so good for me. When she got fussy I just put her in the baby Bjorne and went about my business. She loves riding in that thing. It usually puts her to sleep. I would have loved to take her out for a walk in the stroller with the dogs, but it was really cold out. When it gets warmer that will be an activity I'll be looking forward to every Saturday.

Hopefully they all go as well as they did this week. I'm sure a day will come when she will have a major meltdown and Mom won't be there to comfort her. I'll do my best to make her happy again.

Amanda has been putting her in cloth diapers quite a bit lately, but I opted to just go with the good old throw-away kind this weekend.  I haven't mastered the cloth ones yet. I need some more practice.  Sometimes she is really content to lie there and get her diaper changed, and other times she gets super mad. I didn't want to push my luck by keeping her on the changing pad too long, so I stuck with the huggies.

Amelia has been smiling, cooing, and "talking" so much more this last week. She is usually in a great mood when she gets up in the morning. Having your daughter lock eyes with you and give you a big smile has been proven as the best way to start your day. It is amazing.

She hasn't really started laughing yet, and I can't wait for that.  I foresee a lot of videos in the near future of her cracking up. She pseudo-laughs in her sleep sometimes. It's hard to tell exactly what is going on, but it sounds like a laugh and she has a bit of a smile on her face.

Hopefully every Saturday goes as well as this last one did.  I'll definitely be looking forward to them. They will quickly become the highlight of my week.